Monday, May 18, 2009


To download my current resume (which is stored in a free, publicly accessible Skydrive online file folder), please click this link.

Doing so will take you to a PDF document which can then be downloaded by clicking the word "Download" which appears immediately above the icon for the document page (on the left side of the screen). If you have a reasonably current browser, chances are good that you already have the free Adobe Acrobat Reader program you'll need in order to open, read and print the aforementioned document. If you have any problems with that document, please let me know by contacting me at mwp1212[AT]


I understand the need for brevity in communications, and I'm aware that "conventional wisdom" says that resumes should generally be kept to a single page. I'd be more than happy to create a single-page resume for myself, if I thought that such a resume would do justice to me in terms of giving prospective employers a good idea of my diverse job skills, experiences and qualifications. As things currently stand, my resume requires two pages, not one. Form follows function, as they say.

Of course, if anyone out there can figure out a way to create a single-page resume which contains all of the important points contained in my two-page resume, so that I am still eligible for all of the positions for which I am qualified and so that people can read my resume without the aid of a microscope or magnifying glass, please feel free to have a go at it.

In truth, there is a lot of relevant information which had to be omitted (such as my collegiate experience as a radio news announcer and classical music disc jockey) in order to fit everything onto two pages.